IS there an alternate way than endless hours of working out to get my glutes and buns the way i want ?

Yes, you can effectively build muscle without following conventional wisdom.

To get your glutes and buns to grow without endless hours in the gym, you have the option of using protein supplements.

So… How much protein do i really need to build muscle ? How much protein do i need to grow glutes ?

Find out in this article !

What protein is and why protein is important ?

Protein is a molecule made up of chains of amino acids.
Amino acids: Amino acids are important to build and repair the body’s tissues.

There are 20 different types of amino acids that can be linked together to form proteins. Proteins are critical to our bodies, because they help us grow and maintain cells, form muscles and other body parts, create enzymes and hormones and transport oxygen in the blood.
Proteins are one of four main chemical building blocks that make up living things. Along with carbohydrates, fats, and nucleic acids, they are responsible for the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s cells and tissues.

Proteins are fundamental structural components of all living organisms and perform a vast array of functions in the body. Proteins have four types: structural proteins, transport proteins, enzymes and hormones.

Benefits of protein

How Much Protein do I need ? A significant source of essential nutrients; promotes muscle repair and growth.

The benefits of protein are that it helps the body “build and repair” cells and tissues.
A Protein will help you become stronger, much more energetic, better conditioned and so on. Moreover, perfect protein diet will help you keep your weight in control.

You need to eat certain types of food if you want to grow strong body in a natural way. Protein diet is the best way for increasing muscular mass (and also weight loss) because only proteins can assimilate all amino acids that directly affect muscle “growth”.

Protein to losing weight :

You want to lose weight, but are tired of starving yourself.

Protein has many health benefits, including aiding weight loss and even preventing weight gain!

A diet high in protein may help you lose more weight, feel more satisfied when eating less food, and even lead to better weight maintenance after losing weight

Protein to help you gain muscle and strength :

It takes a lot of work to get strong and muscular. Not only do you have to lift heavy things and perform exercises that aim at that side of your body, but you also need somewhere between 0.6 and 1g of protein per kilo of body weight each day.

That’s a lot of protein. And with protein sources like red meat and chicken being so expensive, is it possible to get the protein your muscles need on a budget?

You can increase the amount of protein your muscles possess! There are cheap sources of protein such as whey and casein powders – which are specifically designed for high muscle retention rates!

What foods have the most proteins

Protein can be found in almost any food but it’s often concentrated in animal products like meat, dairy and eggs.

Spirulina (100 g)57 g
Nuts (1 cup/92 g)20 g
Chia seeds17 g
Corn (1 cup/166 g)16 g
Meat (1 slice / 2 oz)16 g
Bean (1 cup/92 g)16 g
Seafood (2 oz)16 g
Milk (1 cup/8 oz)8 g
Hummus  (100g)8 g
Quinoa (100g)8 g
Bread (1 slice/64 g)8 g
Tofu (100g)8 g
Egg (1 large/50 g)6 g
Rice (1 cup/195 g)5 g
Fruits and Vegetables (1 cup)0-1 g

How much protein do i need

How much protein do i really need to build muscle ?If you’re not already lifting weights or exercising regularly, your protein intake should be 0.36–0.6 grams per pound (0.8–1.3 grams per kilogram). This is a nice round number to aim for: 56–91 grams per day for the average male, and 46–75 grams per day for the average female.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

Determining the right amount of protein to eat can be tricky. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is a modest 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Some research shows that consuming more than 0.8 grams per pound (1.8 grams per kg) of body weight offers no benefit, while others indicate that intakes slightly higher than 1 gram of protein per pound (2.2 grams per kg) are best (14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source). While it’s hard to give exact figures due to conflicting study results, about 0.7–1 gram per pound (1.6–2.2 grams per kg) of body weight seems to be a reasonable estimate for optimizing muscle growth

How to get enough protein in your diet

How Much Protein do I need ? Protein foods are found in most of the foods we eat. You can eat a variety of protein-rich foods every day, including beans and legumes, nuts, seeds, fish and seafood, eggs and dairy products, as well as lean meats such as poultry or pork. Choose myPlate foods that are lower in saturated fat and sodium to help you lose weight. You can also choose foods that provide at least 10 grams of protein at each meal. Some examples protein food :

Green peas ; Avocados ; Oats ; Broccoli ; Lentils ; Pumpkin seeds ; Peanuts ; Ezekiel bread ; Chia seeds Brussels sprouts ; Grapefruit ; Mushrooms.

Getting More Protein : Protein high quality

Muscles get big and strong because they are made of protein. Just like your biceps, quads or triceps.
Obviously, muscles can also grow if you do a lot of weight training. But there is something else that helps you grow muscles – protein!
Protein is a nutrient that helps make up muscle tissue in the body. You can get protein from the food you eat. However, few people eat enough protein to meet their body’s needs for making muscle and other body tissues.

Feed your muscles with the best protein there is. Naturally-sourced, Sciency stuff that’ll give you a rocket-lift to muscle size and strength.

TOP 5 Best sales proteins and satisfied customer reviews

Myprotein Impact Whey Protein Blend, Vanilla :

Sascha Fitness Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate,100% Grass-Fed :

Myprotein Impact Whey Protein Blend, Chocolate :

Redcon1 MRE, Meal Replacement Protein Peanuts :

Isopure Infusions Whey Protein Isolate Powder Pineapple Orange Banana

FAQ : How Much Protein do I need ?

How much protein do i need while pregnant ?

During pregnancy, you should get a minimum of 60 grams of protein a day, which will account for approximately 20 percent to 25 percent of your caloric intake. Protein builds your baby’s muscles and organs. It’s also great for your own metabolism. You can get your daily protein in many ways: eating lean meat and seafood, cheese, nuts and beans.

Does protein have any negative health effects?

Protein is an essential nutrient that plays many roles in your body, and it’s especially important for building muscle and bone. Some people believe that a high protein diet can cause kidney damage and osteoporosis, but science does not support these claims.

How many grams of protein in beef ?

If you love beef, you’ll find plenty of protein in it. Beef round and chuck roast contain about 29 to 36 grams of protein in a 4-ounce cooked portion. If you prefer steak, broiled top sirloin offers 35 grams, while beef ribs have 31 grams of protein per serving.

How much protein does chicken have ?

Chicken breasts are a healthy protein source that contains less fat and more muscle-maintaining nutrients than other types of chicken. Chicken is also considered one of the leanest sources of protein, making it popular among bodybuilders and those who want to lose weight. One serving of chicken breast contributes about 31 grams of protein (100 g) and 304 calories to your diet.

How much protein do strawberries have ?

Strawberries are packed with nutrients and antioxidants, making them a truly delicious treat. One serving will supply you with 32 calories and 91% of your daily water intake. Strawberries also contain 0.7 grams of protein, which is essential for building muscle and maintaining bone health.

What is the best Protein Calculator ?

How Much Protein do I need ? You will find so many formulas and calculations to determine the recommended daily value of protein but if you want to get the most out of your protein calculator for muscle gain and make sure you are getting enough to build muscle, use this calculator.